Make Money Online With Your Own Content
- Monetize Your Channel
- It takes a minute to set up, but once you do you can set all your videos to be monetized. AforeMedia selects ads to be shown against your videos, you get a portion of the revenue. It’s that simple.
- Make More Videos… Any Videos
- What, you think just by setting the monetization up that the millions flow quickly? No, they need videos to do that. The good news is that it can be ANY video. Don’t wait to finish that song. Make fun quick videos (at least a minute long) talking about anything. Sure, some of them may make you just a couple of pennies. But over time the volume could start collecting into something meaningful.
- Get People to Watch More Videos
- OK, so someone comes in to watch one video. Might they want to watch two so you can make more money? Maybe, but make it easy for them. Make a playlist of your videos and direct people into watching a playlist instead of an individual video. Every view counts.
Make sure your music is put into a database that allows to match anytime your song is used. That means every time your music is added to a random skateboarding or fashion video, you’ll get a slice of the revenue.- Join a Network
- Have a great audience to work from? You can join a AforeMedia network who leverage your audience for higher ad rates. They may also bring other monetizing opportunities for your videos, not to mention cross promotional opportunities to drive up views.
- Banner Ads
- Little known fact. If you spend just $1 on AforeMedia ads to your video, you can put up a free banner ad at the beginning of the video that can go anywhere you want. Sell merch, concert tickets…anything.
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